Tired, stressed and overwhelmed? Watch this EFT video to uplift your spirit instantly!

“Systemic constellations is like stepping onto the energetic stage of your family and watch unspoken patterns and systems reveal themselves. I am so happy I made the leap and decided to set up a family constellation with Irene. My therapist uses methods from family constellations, and I tend to do A LOT of journaling and reading to try and ‘figure out’ my inner world and my past, but none of it has moved the needle quite like my family constellation with Irene did. I think it is the power of coming together as a group, using our physical bodies in space, and feeling the belonging and support of others. As a hyper-rational person, it initially felt scary to step away from language, but this is exactly what makes this method effective! The step into a more imaginary realm.

Irene has an ease and a depth in her approach to facilitating, and I came away from this day feeling transformed and in awe, relieved, and unburdened somehow. An even bigger surprise was the relevance on my own life of the constellations of others that I acted as a representant in. I am absolutely fascinated by this method, and will most definitely do this again.” Sara, Marfa, US

“Irene has changed my life. In the most unexpected ways, but she did. I had never worked with a coach or psychologist before, so I did not know what to expect, but talking to Irene has felt so natural and easy to do from the get-go. I came to her looking for a solution to work problems and we ended up discussing about everything, from my childhood to my relationship with God. About the things that really matter. Irene has this amazing intuition, this true capacity to listen with empathy and bring clarity to even the most difficult situations. She really knows how to guide people through their complex and uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and situations and I am very grateful to her for that. I’ve rarely felt so truly understood and seen. In a very short amount of time I was able to approach, uncover, face and solve so much trauma, so many issues, so many pains I did not even know I had and, with her help, to liberate myself from them. My evolution, my change in the past year has been tremendous and for me that is a solid testimony of Irene’s holistic coaching skills. Talking to her has become a constant in my life, because it keeps me balanced and focused and enables me to reach my goals, one by one. I can’t recommend her enough and I am extremely thankful to the Universe for putting Irene on my path to healing, self-development and evolution.” Andrea, Brussels

“I think Irene is a very skilled EFT therapist who helped me to release a fear that I’d been dragging along for years.  By listening empathically and asking targeted she tackles the core of the problem. The affirmations she uses for the tapping are carefully chosen and different according to each case, yet powerful and very efficient. Irene sees connections and patterns in a situation and by tapping she enables the client the possibility to let go of them. To me, it felt as if she read my story and gave me the opportunity to write a fresh, new chapter or ending. The EFT therapy works quickly and is easy to maintain yourself. I have nothing but praise and gratitude for Irene. I warmly recommend her!” Mickie, Antwerp

“Irene’s intuitive and perceptive abilities are extraordinary and this really helped me sort out my insomnia and burnout issues in a just a few sessions! She had the ability to calmly assess a difficult situation and then enable me to see it through a broader and more positive perspective. After effectively releasing blockages through Shiatsu and EFT, I quickly found myself motivated to make important changes to my life which Irene also supported with much practical advice. I am grateful to have found such a talented healer and therapist.”  Marlene, Valencia, Spain

“As I had the opportunity to experience and enjoy Irene’s work in all (!)  of her many activities (Shiatsu, constellations, EFT and  personal development weekends), I just need to give my feedback!

All her work is based on Irene’s highly intuitive and genuinely kind being. It’s the icing of the cake on top of all her experience in every healing single activity.  This helps so much to open up and dare to even look at well hidden elements of your being.

To my mind Irene is such a good companion on the journey to become the best, most fulfilled and happiest version of yourself. I’m deeply thankful to her!” Anja, Brussels

“Good morning Irene,
I have attended the online class yesterday evening (I currently have sleeping problems of waking up between 3-5 am, but this night I didn’t wake up 🙂 and it was of real help.
I want to thank you for this.
I am also constantly checking your YouTube videos which are amazing as well.
Thank you again for all your support!”
Love, Corina 

“Irene is intuitive, insightful and eloquent with well-rounded training. She has a gift for coaching, which is matched by her passion for helping others. Her genuine, warm personality, bright mind and knowledge of the healing arts combine to make Irene the ideal life coach. ” Angela


EFT- a shortcut to health–  I met Irene during the spring of 2019 when in search of an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner in Brussels. This came after having watched the documentary Heal where I had an unexpectedly strong reaction to a woman with a chronic health issue participating in an EFT session. Having had health issues most of my life, and suspecting that they may very well have a psychological undercurrent, I thought EFT might just work for me. From my very first session with Irene, I knew I was at the right place, using the right approach. Little by little, peeling back the layers of myself and my past, ‘tapping out’ old traumas and fears, my health started to improve. Irene is a wonderful EFT therapist and healer who guided me to many unresolved issues. For the first time ever I felt as though some of the baggage of the past had become less emotionally charged. I felt and continue to feel free. Irene also gave me nutritional advice, which I follow to this day. We worked together for several months and these sessions were invaluable in recovering my health. I once heard a psychologist say that sometimes the traditional ‘talk therapy’ does not work as well as other approaches (like tapping) where non-verbal elements are incorporated, and, therefore, a shortcut is created to feelings and experiences. I could not agree more! Today, when I feel emotionally stuck or under the weather, I know I just have to book and EFT session with Irene.” Sofia, Brussels

“I have consulted Irene on several occasions over the past years – from private struggles to professional burn out – and was always amazed by the clarity and calm that she managed to establish in myself after only one or few sessions. Her background in TCM and Shiatsu has proven very helpful to cure the psychosomatic symptoms I was suffering from, her tips have helped me to sleep soundly even in stressful times and her recommendations for books have allowed me to gain perspective – a great way to round up the sessions and quench my thirst for understanding the bigger picture behind what was going on. I can highly recommend Irene as coach for anyone that is looking for a true professional with a holistic approach and a real passion for human nature.” Andrea S.

After years of emotional stress, I found Irene’s holistic practice online – by far my most important online search. Her coaching helped me reconnect with my inner voice and push through my fears that were holding me back. In addition to that, her techniques also helped me to love and accept myself, and the choices I´ve made. Irene is proactive, professional and wise. I sincerely recommend Irene and her holistic practice.” A.E

I contacted Irene when I was experiencing a profound feeling of dissatisfaction in all areas of my life, in particular my job. Having experienced a career change herself, she guided me in a very personalised, gentle and respectful way, using different techniques from coaching, visualisation, nutrition to shiatsu.  Very wise, empathetic and humble at the same time, I felt her totally present to me.’ Zuzana Gakova

“The coaching with Irene not only gave me a fresh perspective on my future but also motivated me to translate it into action. I got stuck in a chaotic and stressful situation and had no idea how to organize my life. Thanks to her structured approach, I was able to take a step back and give my life direction. Thanks Irene!” Tom L.

During my session Irene was very good in discovering unconscious beliefs, causing me pain or grief. When I left the session I was over the moon, going home in a blissful state of mind. The EFT write up she sent me afterwards (so that I could continue tapping at home) is really to the point and practising makes me feel calmer and more focused, I feel much less disturbed than before by overwhelming emotions.
I can really recommend her work to everyone. Kristel C.

“Whatever I bring with me to a session, Irene just dives into her bottomless handbag and pulls out something helpful. I mostly feel strengthened and more connected when I return home. When I don’t, I know I just need to clarify my questions.” Katinka R.

“J’ai consulté Irene il y a un an alors que je me sentais au plus mal (insomnies, migraines, burn-out). Elle m’a aidée à sortir du mode de survie dans lequel je fonctionnais depuis plusieurs années. Shiatsu, EFT, changement d’alimentation, spiritualité m’ont complètement transformée. Plus de médicaments, un sommeil naturel, une alimentation saine et de l’énergie pour donner une nouvelle direction à ma vie. Merci Irene pour votre écoute, vos conseils, votre sagesse. Vous êtes le genre de belle personne qu’on aime croiser sur son chemin. Gratitude !” Annick V.

“Shiatsu with Irene was an amazing experience for me. When I went for the first time I was exhausted and pushing myself to physical limits. The shiatsu sessions which followed which included nutritional advice from Irene and a holistic look at my wellness, helped me to slow down and be much kinder to myself. I believe that this process played an important part in balancing me and preparing my body for having a baby and I thank Irene for helping us bring our wonderful little boy into our lives.” Suzy S.

“Shiatsu is a great way to balance your body and mind. When I started seeing Irene I was stressed at work and my body was paying the consequences. With regular visits, I was soon feeling much happier and at ease with everyday stress. Sometimes we get into the habit or rushing around and don’t even notice we’re stressed. With the benefits of shiatsu I’ve been able to not only restore but also to keep that very fine balance. Irene is really gifted and can immediately see what the challenging areas are, so she can help you tackle the source of the problem.” Sonia L.

“I’ve been treated once a month by Irene for several years and I was very happy about her practice. She is very sensitive, connected to real shiatsu, she is gentle and smooth in her massage.
I saw many improvements through my physical and emotional body throughout all the treatments and my way of life has changed positively ! She taught me to become more tuned with my body and consequently my health !
I’m very sad she left for Germany as I was very happy to “work” with her!” Sophie d’Y.

“Je suis allée régulièrement chez Irène dans une période de forte fatigue et de santé fragile. Ces rendez-vous m’ont été d’une aide précieuse, je me suis sentie particulièrement accueillie dans ma fragilité et soutenue pour traverser cette étape. Ils ont été des jalons rassurants et revigorants sur un cheminement éprouvant de recherche de santé et de calme intérieur.” Elisabeth

J’ai une grande confiance dans la qualité des soins de shiatsu qu’elle propose. J’ai beaucoup apprécié la qualité de son écoute et sa capacité à proposer des pratiques personnalisées et des conseils très concrets dans des domaines complémentaires, adaptés à la situation du moment.
Pour le corps, les émotions et l’esprit, j’ai pu expérimenter les bénéfices du cadre, des soins et du suivi que propose Irène.
Merci à elle pour sa grande bienveillance, sa présence et générosité, et le sérieux des soins et pistes qu’elle offre! Elias

“…Ce dont je puis témoigner c’est que l’état que je qualifie de bien-être dure plus longtemps au fur et à mesure de mes séances, que par moment la douleur qui m’empoisonne la vie depuis cinq ans disparait totalement pour la première fois, parfois durant plusieurs jours.” Nom retenu


You can reach me here! Phone (0032)(0) 474 61 29 57 or email her at info@irenenolte.com

As I had the opportunity to experience and enjoy Irene’s work in all (!)  of her many activities (Shiatsu, constellations, EFT and  personal development weekends), I just need to give my feedback!

All her work is based on Irene’s highly intuitive and genuinely kind being. It’s the icing of the cake on top of all her experience in every healing single activity.  This helps so much to open up and dare to even look at well hidden elements of your being.

To my mind Irene is such a good companion on the journey to become the best, most fulfilled and happiest version of yourself. I’m deeply thankful to her!

Anja, Brussels

“Durch Irene hatte ich die Gelegenheit, Shiatsu kennenzulernen und ich habe es nicht bereut. Ganz im Gegenteil, der ganzheitliche Ansatz von Shiatsu, macht die Behandlung viel effektiver und nachhaltiger. Durch die sehr einfühlsame Art von Irene gelingt es ihr, nicht nur muskuläre Anspannungen im Körper zu behandeln, sondern auch tiefere Spannungen zu beseitigen. Shiatsu heilt Körper und Seele und ist daher eine sehr geeignete Methode für Veränderung von stress-geplagten Menschen.” 


Irene Nolte

As a practitioner, I combine dietary, physiological and life style recommendations with modern coaching techniques and healing touch through shiatsu. With these three pillars I create a uniquely integrative holistic approach that addresses the full spectrum of your emotional and physical well-being.

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Clients’ Voices

“Irene’s intuitive and perceptive abilities are extraordinary and this really helped me sort out my insomnia and burnout issues in a single session. She had the ability to calmly assess a difficult situation and then enable me to see it through a broader and more positive perspective. After effectively releasing blockages through Shiatsu and EFT, I quickly found myself motivated to make important changes to my life which Irene also supported with much practical advice. I am grateful to have found such a talented healer and therapist.”  Marlene


Email: info@irenenolte.com
Tel: (0032)(0) 474 61 29 57


O’Vive Centre for Integrative Health
Rue de Spa 13, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Or of course via zoom/skype if you would like to work online!


Copyright Irene Nolte 2024