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Crete Spring Retreat

Your life- your story

Sunday 24th March-Saturday 30th March 2024

Location: Lentas, southern Crete





Your life- your story.

Come and join me for this week of rest, community and introspection in the gentle Cretan spring sun.

Through gentle guidance, you’ll be invited to write about the story of your life- the moments of joy, of loss, of hope and aspirations. 

There is a great balance between time out, to rest, read, go for walks or to the beach, as well as group sharings.

Coaching tools such as systemic constellations, or EFT tapping  are at your disposition, to help you along the way (optional and you can pick which), to accompany you in your journey of life.

 The idea is to offer you a space to take a break, replenish, enjoy the mind-blowing food (vegan, vegetarian or with meat as you prefer) and have a moment to reflect in which in which direction you’d like to take your life, all in the fabulous setting of the Cretan coastline.

It is an ideal moment to touch base with yourself, reconnect to your priorities and recharge your batteries after the darker winter days.



Lentas is situated on the wilder southern coast of Crete. Already 4BC this small coastal village was internationally famous for its healing powers, due to the natural curative springs that originate there.  To honor and harvest the healing energies of this location, the temple of Asclepios, the Greek god of medicine, was built there.

The place has simply incredible energy and this healing week is sure to help you revitalise, gain insights and replenish, rest and recuperate.

Small historical fact:

“The Asklepiades were four or five goddesses of good health, healing and cures, daughters of the physician-god Asklepios. They were named Hygeia (Good Health), Aigle (Radiance), Iaso (Healing), Panakeia (Cure-All) and Akeso (Curing). The godling Telesphoros was probably a sixth male Asklepiad.

The Asklepiades shared their name with, and were patrons of, an ancient guild of doctors which claimed descent from Asklepios.”



Prices- there are four options and a payment plan for all!

Option 1

Stay in the spectacular single room. This is the exclusive suite, on the cliffs with view across the Libyan sea.

This price includes accommodation, food and the full course fee!

Full price: 1638€

Early bird reduction: 1490€ if you register by 30th October 2023

Payment scheme: 227€ in monthly installments during seven months, starting August (1589€)

Option 2

Here are two rooms in a studio, one is the bedroom, the other is the living room with a sleeping couch. If you’d like to engage with a co-living experience, this is the place to be. You’ll share a bathroom.

Both room and living-bedroom have sea view.

Full price bedroom: 1489€ with shared bathroom (shared with one other person).

Early bird reduction: 1289€ if you reserve by 30th October 2023

This price includes accommodation, food and the full course fee!

Payment plan: 192€ in monthly installments during seven months, starting August (1350€)

Option 3

Living room-bedroom: 1289€ with shared bathroom (shared with one other person).

Early bird reduction- 1189€ if you reserve by 30th October 2023

Payment plan: 178€ in monthly installments during seven months, starting August (1250€)

Price includes accommodation, food and course fee! All rooms have direct spectacular views of the sea.


Option 4

Saving option

There are two rooms available in an adjacent off site hotel. The rooms are much simpler. If you are looking for a cheaper option, please inquire, this is a possibility.

If you are interested by haven’t decided yet if you want to join, let me know and I will send you an info folder.