Please be welcomed to the Winter Light sessions!
Closing the year, you will have the opportunity to let go of unwanted patterns and emotional charge while clarifying your intention and achievable goals for the coming year. It’s an open space designed to help you build your own inner bridge, a deeper connection to your innermost world, your personal guidance.
This workshop will offer you:
- support in helping you realise what you want and what aspects of your life you would like to let go of
- insights into patterns into which you are stuck and how you can shift them
- some goal setting for you to encourage your sense of personal direction
- the alignment with the strength and guidance of key archetypes, such as the warrior, or the monarch. Archetypes contain a universal body of abilities, instincts and knowledge that we all inherit and can tap into, giving us strength and guidance.
- the study of core emotional and psychological defenses that we all experience but that get in the way of you getting what you want,
- a loving group of people ready to walk this path with you.
If you are interested in spirituality and personal growth based on a deeper understanding of yourself, if you are open to receiving the support of a loving group of people during these four Saturdays (over four months), then this course is for you. The four days will offer the space to self-connect and contemplate on a deep, holistic level. EFT, self-care, and the power of community can stir your courage and creative spirit. Come for nourishment, soul rest, and inspiration. Leave with a full heart, lighter step, and direction for your best year yet.
Perhaps you’re quite simply tired of getting everything done by yourself.
Perhaps you’re quite simply tired.
Perhaps you’re anxious and burning out and feel you could do with a supportive break in a world that is continuously on edge. Or you feel like you have outgrown an aspect of your life, and one aspect of your life is desperate for change and renewal.
Be welcome with it all.The main focus of this course is to spend time together, connect in a loving and safe circle in which you are heard, listened to and given a space to process things together. The main goal of this course is to help you enrich your sense of safety, your sense of belonging and your sense of abundance so that you can access deeper truths within yourself. The coaching and reflective exercises are designed to help you along this path.
The core questions we’ll ask are: “Is what I’m currently doing leading me on a road to fulfillment?” And: “Which small and realistic steps can I take, to steer my life into the direction I’m longing for?”. Perhaps you want to write a book, change job and finally set up your healing practice. Perhaps you want to improve some aspect of your health, or find love. If you don’t have a project that’s also fine, it seems to naturally arise, as soon as we gather and you hear the other’s testimonies and stories.
Whichever it is- your longing wants to be honoured, heard and pursued. Because it is an expression of you and this world needs your gift!
Date: 4th December, 15th January, 5th February, 12th March
Time: 10:00-15:30
Location: Rue de Spa 13, 1000 Brussels
Price for four days of workshop 280€, early bird reservation only: 320€ if you reserve by October 30th.