Eco-villages and following your heart

Eco-villages and following your heart

Many years ago I had this dream of travelling to the US and Canada to visit alternative communities. I was fascinated by the concept of eco-villages- urban or rural communities in which people cohabit to varying degrees, according to a set of social, economic and...
On belonging

On belonging

The question of belonging had long been on my mind. I am what is called a “third culture kid”, my parents have two different nationalities (Romanian and German) and I was born and grew up in a third country, which is Belgium. I grew up speaking German at home (my...
Anxious and overwhelmed? Here is some help!🌸🌻

Anxious and overwhelmed? Here is some help!🌸🌻

Dear all, I hope you are very well, healthy both physically and emotionally! Here are a few nuggets of wisdom from the holistic health department;-) Needless to say, that the stronger we are in our mental, emotional, and physical self-care, the more healthy we will...
Une promesse spirituelle

Une promesse spirituelle

Chers tous, Une grande partie du travail de coach en santé holistique consiste à aider les gens à découvrir comment le passé a un impact sur leur présent, à déceler les blocages et à les aider à les lâcher prise. Une grande partie de la difficulté et de la détresse de...

Créer du changement

Tout d’abord, je vous souhaite une bonne année ! Qu’elle soit remplie de joie, de santé et de merveilles ! Le début de la nouvelle année est souvent accompagné de résolutions et de bonnes intentions. Changer nos habitudes n’est cependant pas si...